Protecting hardwood floor from my evil office chair

Up until last week I have spent the entire new century struggling to protect our floors from my office chair. The bane of my existence is the stupid plastic mat that always ends up curling slightly at the edges. Just enough to catch your unsuspecting toes (or in between toes) in surprise attack. That produceContinue reading “Protecting hardwood floor from my evil office chair”

Angular JS – Combining two http requests into one promise

As developers we often find ourselves doing things we shouldn’t be doing, and putting best practices aside for the sake of a “solution.” In my case I found myself needing data that was not in our API end point, because it was customized to suit another application’s needs. So I had to make another APIContinue reading “Angular JS – Combining two http requests into one promise”

Cross Country – Mount Rushmore

On day three of our amazing trip cross country we started the day off in beautiful Rapid City, South Dakota. The monument didn’t allow dogs and we had two crazy dogs in tow. My son, Atharv and I made a quick dash through the monument speed reading plaques and snapping off shots as quickly asContinue reading “Cross Country – Mount Rushmore”