Protecting hardwood floor from my evil office chair

Protecting hardwood floor from my evil office chair

Up until last week I have spent the entire new century struggling to protect our floors from my office chair. The bane of my existence is the stupid plastic mat that always ends up curling slightly at the edges. Just enough to catch your unsuspecting toes (or in between toes) in surprise attack. That produce a four letter tirade that Cinemax censors would even cringe at.

I searched high and low for a better mat that my chair wasn’t rolling off of while I was working. Then a simple Amazon suggestion from out of nowhere suggest wheel replacements. Now I know this seems like an obvious solution. Some of you may have actually even started thinking it before the end of the first sentence. I did not. For well over ten years I have suffered or my floors have suffered. Carpet that was ruined from casters. Hardwood floor that had to be replaced when we sold our house. All due to my inability to come to a logical easy solution of rubber office chair wheels.

Office Chair Caster Wheels (Set of 5)